This is the theme song from the movie, The Omen (1977), Ave Santani. With English translation of the Latin words. This is after all a demon's adventure, my blog needed a creepy tune. This is it.
This is the theme song from the movie, The Shining (1980), Dies Irae; Day of Wrath. Translate it yourself. It will keep you occupied, so your not bored. Girls named Desire, is the Latin translation above. I bet you did not know that.
To calm your mind, sprit, and soul. This is a wonderful chant and video, for the Glory of God. I'm still a Catholic, in a demon av. I call this, Deus Lo Vult - God Wills It. I recommend Ave Maria, and Agnus Dei also. If you did not get it, I enjoy promoting Latin, and attend church service once a month done in Latin, besides my regular Sunday mass service.
This is one of my favorite classical piece during the time of George F. Handal's period, when he composed this music. Very stirring for the soul, which lifts you up. Enjoy.
Kaboom Is Back.
1 week ago
lol, I have half the cd's of the ones you mentioned. Now I need to get them on itunes. Remember when the benedictine monks were popular and cd's were coming out of chanting? The highlander tv show had some cool episodes around that. Thats when I got into it. Love Me some chants!