Nice day to die, and die we did. We had a snuff event on the land below our skybox estate. We have not had one since the days on Indecent Exposure. There were plenty of participants, and I was one of them along with BJ, Cors, Kat, Luicfer, Kitten, Scarlet, Fauster, Toxic, and a few more...
The event was planned by BJ, and she placed all the items on the land. I tried to give her edit rights, but it only allowed the actually payors to the land can only edit the terrain. She placed instead; structures, rocks, and heavy foliage for cover. And it worked very well. The safe zones where the castle, landing zone on the land, and by the tier box, which was an option to teleport there.
My plan was to fly, and rain death from above. But that plan did not last long, when BJ killed me with her sniper rifle, and got sent back home to the castle. I even buddy up with my brother in law Luicfer, but he was new to the snuff event, and got killed soon after I did. He did not stay long, as he was having issues with his lap top.
Never stand together, and chat in IMs. My tip for you. Kitten later joined, and did not last long on the land, even with the shield she was using. Lucky thing, demons are forever in SL, and death was never an issue. And yes, Kitten and the baby are fine. After getting killed twice, she decided to stay on the castle grounds. Not before she set traps by the landing zone. No such thing as "cheating" when you want to remain the last one standing in a snuff event. I looked in my inventory for a nuke bomb to detonate, but did not have one.
I am really awful when it comes to snuff events, players vs players. Because my guns kept misfiring, especially when I was in front of Toxic and her pet Harley at point blank range. I came charging at them with a machine gun. Tracer ammo hitting them, and they stood there. Harley, "Laughs at Master." Toxic, "Boo!!!...I'm still kicking." Then I am dead again, and back at the castle. I don't know who got me. But Toxic and Harley soon joined me at the castle, and I bet it was BJ. She was popping people off from half distance on the land. She had a good day at the event.
Kass, a group pet later joined the chaos and mayhem. My second tip for this event; "Never bring knives to a gun fight." Poor Kass, she got killed as much as I did.
During the event, we were in group chat. We knew what was happening to who got whom, and what happened. Fauster mentioned she got killed, and got sent home. Not at the castle. And she still had her finger on the trigger, and killed her neighbor the moment she rezzed. We were laughing, and her neighbor was not too happy to say the least. And other mishaps, like bullets ricochet off the rocks, and kills you. Sooo..funny. Plenty of laughs in group chat.
Kitten gave me new guns before the event ended. And got to use the Police Shotgun, her favorite weapon in SL. I tried it, but same result for most of the day. Getting killed. At least my dear Kitten, would greet me each time I got sent back, "Welcome back Hun." Giggles...
With me getting killed a lot today, it was fine. I did not lose anything in my inventory, or lose a level. It's just that in SL, when you get killed. In all, it made the day for everyone that participated, an enjoyable one.
Kaboom Is Back.
1 week ago
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