Friday, September 30, 2011

Kick Me

Do you remember the time when someone placed a sign on your back that says 'Kick Me?" I do. But that was a very long time ago in high school. I was not aware of it, when one of my so-called friends then, kicked me from behind. He was not a friend the moment he did that. He could have just taken it off, and say to me, "Watch your back when people act odd!" Well...that's in the past as we learn from negative experiences.

Today, is something of that past that I wanted to play with. Tessa my builder and pet made  a pose ball that allows for a victim and assaulter to pose for. She made it a few weeks back, but I just had the opportunity to take a few pictures to show it today. The first victim was Del, who happens to be the same person we killed a couple of weeks ago. When he was harassing my partner Kitten, I killed him. And today Kitten got the chance to mess with him, by kicking him. He could have declined, but again he seems to like the attention as the center of our jokes and fun at his expense.

So he posed at the victim, and Kitten gladly posed to assault him in the pose presented. It turned out very funny, and Azula was on hand to take part of us having a good laugh. Kitten took a flying leap in the air and landing a hard kick on Del's back. But unfortunately, by the time I realized  I needed the picture, Kitten had removed herself from the action pose, and left Del showing that he got shoved from behind. Still it was funny the moment it happened. Del soon left, after my attempts to have him pose again.

Later, Emile IMed me, asking to know what we were doing. I said, "Kicking Del around, well actually his posing to be kicked." She wanted me to teleport her over. I did a few minutes later after Del had already left. I needed a picture of the action earlier, and I got Emile to pose for me. She has a good sense of humor on her part, I got to kick her in this pose. Thank you Emile for being a good sport about this.

Getting "kicked" around by friends is fine, as long as their is consent given from the intended victim. If you ever watched "Jack Ass" then you know what I mean.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Evil Spirit(s)

Samuel 16:14-15 "But the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him. And Saul's servants said unto him, Behold now, an evil spirit from God troubleth thee."

The above Bible verse trouble a lot of Christians when they read it, or is mentioned by their pastors. I don't blame them, when most Christians believe God to be an omnipotent father being, and caring of his people. So why did God sent an evil spirit to torment King Saul? That my friend you need to read the Bible for yourself.

I am covering the part, I play a demon avatar in SL. There is Real Evil out and about in this world. And most of it is passive action, and nothing to do with the devil. Guess who is doing the evil?

The same is true in SL, where most of the deceitful, plain sight actions, and lies come from avatars wearing human skins. As a demon avatar, other avatar in world will expect nothing more from me as a cunning backstabbing evil persona, with occasions of causing drama.

Just my very appearance as a demon really does trouble some avatars. There are Coptic Christians groups in world, who don't want my presence on their Sim, or around them. I have been ejected just on sight of stepping on their public Sim.

My sole purpose as a demon avatar is make people aware of the real evil, when they return to real life. And evil is defined by each individual person, not just what the Bible lists to what they are. While at the same time having fun as a demon would normally do in SL; being wicked in a controlled virtual world. Just my thoughts for today..

And I hope that God does not send an "evil spirit(s)" to you that may torment or afflict you mentally.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

This Month's Meeting

We held our usual once a month meeting for the council. I, my pet Lorinda, BJ, her partner Cors, and Kristy were present. The meeting was held open for the family to attend, to get new ideas from members.

Kitten later joined us, as she is feeling better today compared the day before when she got food poisoning from a restaurant. She filed a complaint with the health department, where she resides in the UK. Her Boss is making sure it gets followed up.

We talked about old and new business. On the agenda, we talked about toys for the group to use, pets for branding with group and private marks, and voted to make Kristy as a new Whip Master in charge of "pet training." One of her goal is to set up a "training school" and to help pets with issues. I hope to see more activities with that going on at Hell Hole.

We placed our online status today, for the officers to be contacted, if they see us in-world by looking at the picture with underneath it as being "online" or "offline." People can leave us a note card for rental questions or other general information they may need. Still have rooms to rent, "Care to rent a room at Hell Hole?"

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Good News

Yesterday, Kitten and I were having fun on her bed. She got a new bed, which she enjoys buying when the mood suits her. And we needed to break it in, with a quick rumpy... bumpy... humpy.... Its not exactly fun when your having pixel sex in a public setting. It was a rush on my part, and not exactly romantic, compared the day before. It was one of those quickies...that I got 'good news" today.

She went to the demon clinic and got an exam. The demon doctor came back with a devious smile on his face, he said, "Congratulations, your a pregnant demoness!" Kitten is preggo with our own child! I am very happy for us...I gave her a long sweet, passionate kiss on her lips. Her and I have come a long way since we partnered, broke up, and got back together again. This is different from here on, since she will be a momma and I a papa again.

I, Toxic, and Kitten

Toxic was present when Kitten told me the news of her pregnancy, and congratulated us. And I started calling her Auntie, as future baby sitter.

I then teleported Shadow, and told her that Kitten was preggo. Shadow replied, "She's not the only one preggo." Looks like I may be having dragon eggs for breakfast. (Laughs) And I'm not surprised when Shadow growled at me for saying it to Kitten out loud.

I look forward to having our child, and young dragons run about the castle grounds. Can't wait for them. (Smiles)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Dead Man

Yesterday, Kitten told me about this guy from Turkey who was bothering her. She sent me a note card copy of her conversations they had.. She did everything right, to tell him she is partnered with me, along with Memory. But still he bothered her. When she logged back in, we planned a surprise. I told her to teleport his ass to our Sim, so I can kill him. Its better than ejecting someone. Toxic was present too, and she beat Kitten by teleporting the man over. I got my sniper rifle ready, aimed at the direction Toxic told me of his arrival..

I fired the moment he showed up, but he did not die. I forgot to enable the damage icon for the heart, and quickly placed it "on" for the Sim. While I was doing that, you think the man would poof out of there, but he stayed on. Apparently, still liked to hit on Kitten. Again, I fired at him, and still he's right in front of me. I was wondering, what I was doing wrong. Lorinda my pet showed up. I quickly asked her to lock and load her weapon she had in her inventory to kill the guy. She she shoot at him several times. But still no damaged was done to him. Then I looked at my tag, no wonder. I was wearing the wrong one. I quickly placed the right tag on me, with damaged enabled. I fired at him, causing him to start running around to prevent damage. I took several shoots, when I finally got him on the upper floor of the open courtyard. Poof! He's dead...Toxic..Lorinda laughed the whole time in local chat, while I fired at him.

Kitten took off...and did not see me kill him. She was on stand-by for work. She informed me of it earlier, and would have to leave without notice. Luicfer her real life brother come on in world to join her. He tried also to kill him earlier, but was unable, until I finally figured out my settings. Too bad...should have been Zuri too...the cunt deserves it.

Anyway, I have damaged enabled now. This allows my officers to have fun, while I'm not around.

Today, I found out Toxic took Del (the guy that harassed Kitten) as her play toy. I have no issues with that. This time, Kitten got to kill him herself. After I set her up the ability to kill people on the Sim. Hey, I need to share the fun too! So..Kitten got to kill him, and by accident Toxic. Hey, it was all in good fun. (Laughs)

Toxic is her real life room mate, and she refers to Kitten as a sister she never had. They are very close good friends. I'm glad Kitten brought in support for herself, with a friend playing her son, Toxic her room mate, and Luicfer her brother. She has brothers, so don't count out having two more join her in world. The more family the better, right?

I mentioned about going to the UK possibly this December to visit her. I have a passport, only need to renew it. I asked about maybe staying on for a year or two with her. I don't know yet, until I have my passport and airfare for London ready. So we will see...where this goes.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


To my surprise, Tessa aka Enoch, gave me her leash to her collar, just before I left SL. I would never have expected it. But in SL, you never know what surprise you will be offered or hit you when you least expect it.

She said, "It's only fair." Mmmm...Fair for what? For her or for me? I did not ask, as its the last statement I saw when I logged off world. I will definitely ask, "What did you mean, It's only fair?"

I have asked for her to be more active in Hell's Angels, at Hell Hole. After placing her "online" status, she said, "I'm bored, and that rarely happens to me." "Well Hun...How about improving the Sim, like adding fire to the pillars, or those giant horns with fire bellowing from the openings. The ones you did at the old lair.

Family enjoyed posing with those in the background. And if you the reader, got to see the profile pictures of some family or of the old lair. You know what I'm talking about. Tessa knows how to build.

Scourge of Hell, Enoch

Just don't know if Tessa is a submissive type. I figure he to be strong willed, and she does combat role plays. And a girl that does combat does not fit an ideal pet role. But I will see how this plays out. I just don't think I can play with the type of relationship she is looking for. However, its worth a try. Maybe, I can tame a shrew. (Smiles)

Pony Girl; Revised Content

Original Content Removed*

I removed the content that was here, by the request of my friend Chey. Now my former friend Chey, which I said, "Content removed, my parting gift to you. Enjoy your Fox." I always though to be a writer, one has the right to express their personal views, thoughts, and feelings to lay out to share with others. I did just that, when I wrote about Chey as a "Pony Girl."

She got upset...since the day she read it. It was a failure of both sides to see what I was trying to do. I wanted to entertain the reader, you my audience. And she though I was mocking her, poking fun at her choices in SL. Nothing more far from it.

I respect Chey, the person she is, that I have gotten to know, and appreciate her and the friendship we made together. But sadly I had to end it today.

To compromise my writing to satisfy one or a few people, is like censorship of my mind. I did just this one story I removed the original content, but at a cost. Call it a "Pyrrhic Tragedy." I know it was a lost cause for both of us. She got what she wanted, I removed the original text. And I removed her from my friends list.

I am writing this now, if I should meet a new friend. I will never compromise to delete it for their own lack of understanding, or their failure to see my point of view. I don't write to hurt my friends. I would only be hurting myself, as a person and as a writer.

Pony Girl; Chey.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Sunshine; her Essay of Me

I meet Sunshine aka Emile through BJ. She and I had issues of her age, when she acted younger in world than the age of twenty-two Emile stated and claims to be. Little by little...she was just being herself and is really a fun girl, if you ignore her childish ways.

In the beginning she offered a lot of items for me to use on my Sim. I just accepted them, and keep the things she gave me in my inventory. You never know if a demon needs a yacht, or other household items.

She IMs me everyday without fail. And asks, "Whatcha doing now?" I tell her I am decorating or chatting with others. Her interest in me is "cute" if not annoying. (Laughs)

Today I asked her to write a three hundred word essay, "Why she wants me to be her Master?" And this young girl did! (Laughs) She got to one hundred eighty words, and told her to stop there. I did not really wanted her to do it, but since it was about me. I wanted to read it. So this is her essay about me.

Sill Goose

The Reasons:

I would really like to be your pet because;
I think it would be fun. It would be nice to have a Master again. I really like being your pet.

I really like that cage thing [up in the dungeon.]
I thought that coffin in the dungeon was really soft.

I like when you play with me. I bet you think it would be fun.
I really want another owner. I really like being owned.

Why I like you being my Master

You are one of the nicest demons I ever met. You are a good owner. You got some good toys.
I like getting lost in your castle. Plainly, I just like being your pet.

Why I think it would be fun

I think it would be fun because me and you could play on the toys a lot. And I'd let you do stuff to me.
We could always have fun together.
I'd always let you smack my butt.
I'd take you to all of the amusement parks I know.
I'd let you take my clothes off.

But sad to say, I won't allow her to be my pet. She insist I let her call me "Kaboom" instead of Master. That would be disrespectful to me, if I allow her that to call he, while my other pets call me "Master" properly. Until she knows her place as a pet, she is satisfied of being "friends with benefits" for now.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Like Yesterday

Today was like yesterdays of old, when Kitten and I never separated. We spent some good time today, that included Shadow. When it was just her and I. That time, I looked forward of seeing her Avi in-world everyday. It was blissful and we focused on each other as before.

She got her room decor done today, and placed her bed on the first floor of her two story flat. I knew what she had in mind. And glad that she and I think of the same thoughts in some ways. Shadow laid by the bedside, as a guardian pet as before. It made me happy of the past we have together, the present that binds us now, and a future to make it happen.

I have Memory too, as she is just as special when her and I was a couple. But I have not seen her lately, as RL seems to be keeping her from logging in-world this week. Or we simply have bad timing of getting together. I will have more to say about Memory, as soon as she returns and is active with me in getting the family in order with Kitten.

When you have been over a year in SL. You start to think of your friends, which ones are special around you. And now I know, I really know the ones I care about in-world, and would help in RL if I had the ways and means of helping them. Their particularities in world and how we interact is really special. But it saddens me also, when I though of the others this past week are also no longer friends with me. As is RL, SL reflects the changes of how we feel about others, when we allow ourselves to drift apart to those we think we are close too.