Thursday, July 26, 2012

Hellhole Island

We are done! It has been a week since we moved to the new location, and are now enjoying ourselves without the distraction from the last place. This time on the island; BJ, I, and my daughter Halo each have our own parcel section. With me getting half, and the remaining half is split between BJ and Halo. The prims are allocated automatically, and have set our own music stream running. This has really helped alleviate any issues about prims being used, or what music stream we have to possibly haggle over, if the Sim was not divided.

I pay 3500 Lindens, while BJ and Halo pay 1750 Lindens each. That sums up the price of the Sim Tiers to 7000 weekly expense. Translated into real money, that is about $15.00 dollars a week, or $60.00 a month for me. 2000 Lindens is the minimum to purchase, and equal to $8.50.

People actually play Linden currency trading while in world, and make real money out of it. And it varies on the Linden Exchange for those buying and selling it. Yup, it is the same on the Money Exchange Index traded on Wall Street; US Dollar, British Pound, and Japanese Yen. It depends on how long you hold on to your Lindens, then exchange it back for real money. This is not an endorsement, like with anything you invest. The initial money you risk, may not give you a substantial return. Though I would mention that, since land in SL is not free, or cheap to own.

For those of us that own virtual land, we do it because it's "home" to our avatars. Play one's own music stream, have friends over to chill out with you. Rezz items instead of going to a sand box. And build and create objects from your imagination to improve your home, or sell to other avatars on SL Market Street.

Hellhole, on this island is two levels of caves and tunnels. I purchased a home similar to Ariel's, when I saw it on Market. I teleported to the in world location, and saw it on sell as of this posting date, for 999 Lindens. I did not want to initially buy it, but needed to find a new home as soon as possible, to get the Sim up and running before the Olympics started this Friday. "What the Hell, I might as well." I set my new "Castle Graven" on top of the mountain, instead of next to it on ground level. The view is great! And with the balcony I made before, I have added again to it.

The zombies are out on the open area, which makes it easy to spot them. Since they are still hard to kill, and worst if I had placed them inside the caves. They would just be randomly rezzing, and your avatar would likely die often, or would not have a chance to fire a shot off.

I set the decorations myself, my room on the third has the usual items; bed, pet basket, dance pole, and a few pictures. The room across me has a multi pose rug, and some furniture. Second floor, has the Dolcett kitchen, and the room across from it has a bed and a mattress.

With the picture of Pinhead looking over the room. Actually, its an item that held my Pinhead avatar that looked good enough as a wall decor. Did I mention a new Hellraiser movie is set for release next year? Yes! Check out the trailer in YouTube.

BJ edited the terrain, and made a connection between her section onto mine. So, that we have a continuous network of tunnels under our castles. She also added a waterfall inside one section of my cave this time. It really looks great! You have to see it for yourself, if you don't mind getting sniped to death by us demons. Smiles.

Anyway, I'm glad we are done with the builds on the Sim. All I have to do is enjoy my Olympic events on TV. And check in world from time to time for messages.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


I talked to this girl, I have not talked to in awhile, in fact not in a long time. She tells me, after some exchanges of pleasantries, "I was thinking of you?" "Oh, really?" "Yes. Why aren't you partnered?" "Well, I was to Kitten. But for some reason, she is no longer active. So, I just un-partnered her last month." "Well, if you don't mind, can we date?" "Date? First time in SL for a girl to ask me." She laughs. I said, "Sure, why not? Good way for us to know each other, for good and bad." "Can I get a tag, so others know we are dating?" "No...not necessary. I will just let people know that we are dating." She totally caught me off guard, by asking to date me. I was busy placing items in our Dolcett Kitchen, when I tped her ass over.

Her name is Boo!!!. Yes. Boo!!!... Boo!!!...Boo!!!... Like your in a game, and you don't like the decision made by the umpire making the bad call. And you "Boo!!! Boo!!! Boo!!!" at the very top of your head!

I will need to change her name. Because, I don't want to date a girl called Boo! If I meet a girl in RL, and she is pretty as Carmen Electra, but her name is so ridicules. I would just fuck her, and leave when I got done pumping fuel down her tank.

Anyway, a girl with a bad name would sooner, than later change her name to a sexy one. Only in foreign countries, like Europe, Middle East, Asia and most parts of Africa where names can be butchered badly. When they arrive in the US, most new immigrants will likely change it.

But in SL, name variations differ in wide degrees, like my first name "Kaboom." I choose it because it relates to explosions, destruction, and maybe to death. Even though "Kaboom" is really a sound  spelled into a word. Mmmmm...come to think of it. Maybe, Boo would change my name. Laughs.

It should be no surprise, since Youtube has made it possible for people to make video proposals to the "Love" interests of their choice. "Date me. I find you hot and attractive. My tweeter account is blah..blah, or a video reply is even better. Just make it private" What a world we live in today? Smiles.

Before she went to bed tonight, her being on the East Coast, I made sure Boo is a pet. And follows my instructions, by calling me Master. And having the necessary items to be a good pet; collar, cuffs, spanker to wear for her ass, boob shaker, and bruised buns. Other items, PRN. It helps when you have a "pet trainer" like BJ around to go over those items with a new pet.

Well, we are going to give "Dating" a chance. And see how far Boo and I can take this relationship.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Wedding of Gail and Cobra

Today, I walked my newest daughter Gail down the aisle, and handed her over to my son-in-law Cobra. Gail is the sister of Misti, and asked me to take her in as my daughter. It is an honor, when someone ask you to be their Father/Dad or Mother/Mom figure in their lives in SL.

Unfortunately, I missed the wedding of Misti and Ice, last month. They invited me to attend, but sadly I was not home most of the day. And found out after, when a notice was sent out. Misti has her own Father and Mother, so I was not concerned. But when your invited to a wedding, it really is good to go. I made up for it by giving the nuptials lindens, for what ever items they may need for a home.

When Gail came down the stairs, my only utterance of words were; "You look wonderful my daughter. I am happy for you and Cobra." Planted a kiss on her cheek and walked down the aisle together. And everyone was focused on the Bride, and never on the Bride's Father. (Laughs)

At the ritual base, where Cobra (Groom) Misti (Minister) wife to Ice, (brother to Cobra), Brides Maids, and a few more people I did not know were already there. I looked at Cobra, "I present you my daughter, your Bride." I helped Gail take a step up on the platform, as the gown covered her feet. I did not like the idea of my daughter stepping on her gown and falling down.

Gail, Cobra, Misti, and Ice

The Bride side's of the family were nicely seated on the left side. I went over to join them. BJ, Mel, Demi, Yog, D.Valerie were present at the wedding. I paned over to Gail and Cobra, and took the only picture in the wedding. The picture caused by laptop to freeze and crash. My mouse device went crazy, and froze. I had to reboot my laptop lasting about ten minutes. By the time I got back in world, they had already exchanged vows, and Misti pronounced them as husband and wife.

It's not the first time SL glitches has ruined a special event for me and others. But what can you do, lag will always be a torn and pain in the ass when your in this virtual world.

The reception was to take place immediately, but not before the ceremony building was removed under our feet. We all fell in the water, and all the lovely gowns and attires got wet. Well, that is a role play aspect also, having all of us wet before the reception. It was not intentional, as lag was becoming an issue during the wedding, caused by the building itself as I was told later. But I don't think it will be the craze anytime soon in RL.

I danced with BJ for awhile. And dinner time on the east coast for her, so she left soon after. My daughter Halo danced with a Space Marine, Ultra Chapter from War Hammer 40,000. And the center of the dance, my daughter Gail and her Husband Cobra. He was lagging also, she said, "If you don't dance with me Husband, I am going shopping at Alexandra's store." We laughed! This is where the Bride starts to assert herself in front of family, who is really wearing the pants between them. But it was a jest, and she is playful.

It was a nice wedding and glad I made it.


It was delayed for thirty minutes, as Misti, Ice, and Cobra had problems logging in world. And I almost missed it, thinking the wedding to be Monday afternoon.

Yog was nude sitting there, until I told her to get dressed. Shakes head. She though all pets are to be nude at all times. Yes, new pets are nude only at Hellhole, but does not apply outside my Sim

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Ariel Got Owned

Just a week after the opening of the new Hellhole at Bayview, it ended soon after yesterday. Main cause of the problem, "Ariel" number two! She tried to stage a rebellion against me, and thought I would concede of bestowing her the title of "Domina." Which in her stupid little mind, thinks she is entitled to it. Here's the reason way; she decorated the place, support from my daughter, and her friends that frequent Hellhole.

With that kind of reasoning, only an upstart would surely fail, against the "Overlord" of Hellhole, that being me. And I am not about to hand over my group that I created two years ago, to an interior decorator in SL. (Laughs...)

I came in world yesterday, and just informed her the day before "not" to add anymore items on the Sim. And not only did she failed to listen, but decided to challenge me for absolute rule in the family. Haahaahaaa. And tried to use in world voice, and others to dethrone me. Well...that and what ever crap she tried to stage failed, and only came back at hitting her in the face. I added by kicking her in the ejecting her from my group. Never ask an Overlord from Hellhole, of what you think your entitled too...."I will decide, and always have the final say."

The day before Ariel tried to dethrone me.

She used by daughter Halo, to sway her in using the title of "Domina" when Ariel admitted to me...just before I removed her from the family. "Good, I hoped you enjoyed it. It's the last time you will have anything to do with the family." And I removed the title "Domina" soon after in the group's listings of roles. Only I assign that, not the officers in my family.

To be a Domina; Queen....I choose within the family, and she needs to be a submissive/pet to me for a long time before I decide. And if a pet is worthy to lead the family, I would make her my Queen and be my partner, and second in command after me. And Ariel was never truly a pet nor did she wanted to have a LTR. Read "I Blame Myself." Why she rushed to became my partner, which is only to seize control of the family.

Also she unfriended my daughter, because she would not come over to her side by leaving my family group of DSA. My daughter realised this soon after we left Hellhole, Bayview. Ariel's game is "cloak and dagger" and thrusting a knife behind your back is of no consequence to her. I would watch my back, if I were you. Should you ever run into her in world.

I am just finally glad, and happy I got rid of her once and for all. I rather stand with BJ, than have Ariel in my family, or anyone else like her in the future.

*Currently looking for a new location to rebuild a new Hellhole, with my own items from my inventory.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Hellhole @ Bayview

Well...what can I say to our "official opening" at Hellhole? It was a great success yesterday...but I don't measure success on one day events. I measure success of how the "longevity" of being on a Sim one stays to call it home. And in SL, the average stay is around three months on a Sim, if everything works out fine, from my personal past experience.

The attendance was very good, averaged about 16 avatars during the whole day event, from 8 am until 9 pm slt. I posted a notice to a few other demon groups I belong too, and that helped to bring in traffic. Plus I posted it on SL events section of the web page, but you need two hours in advance to do it. I'm just glad that Aaliy, a pet of Cor did make it and picked up the live music stream after Anubis passed out in his room. He finished a whole bottle of Tequila by himself during the event. (Laughs)

We moved on here during the first week of June, after leaving Planet Earth Estates. I was not the cause of it, other than the misunderstanding with one of my officers, and the estate owner of the Sim. I apologized for the incident, as Head of Household of my family. Your expected too take the blame and conduct of your family. Just like "vicarious liability" when an employee in RL cause damage, or something serious while that employee is working for the company. But outside his/her facility, that the employer is held responsible for the actions of that employee.

With us finally here, and Ariel doing most of the decorations. It did not turn out as bad as I though it would have been. She placed the main castle, and most of the items in it, and on the island. I only needed to place items that catered to those that like to play "dolcett."

And as a demon avatar it's part of my role play. The idea comes from medieval art that were commissioned by the Roman Catholic Church; "fires of hell with consume your soul" And images of demons devouring souls has been planted in our minds ever since then.

But did you stop to think...has it gotten any better since then? About human morals? Just because its not illegal by the laws we pass, does that mean its ok to set aside the Bible? Anyway, that is my take as to why I have dolcett role play on my Sims.

The other area I worked on was the caves and tunnels. I liked how things turned out before on Planet Earth, and I continued with the caves. I placed it inside an already pre-made area on the Sim. The opening entrance was behind the mountain, with a flat sandy looking prim texture covering the top when it was terra formed by the estate owner. It was big enough for me to set two levels of caves and tunnels. Which I never did before until then. It turned out great!

I originally placed the Lots of Fun barn animals by the castle, but Ariel had to have things her way that day. It ended up on the second floor of the caves. I added a Leech Tank, and a Water Dunking Device that rotates for torture on the first level. And my permanent housing for the Zombie Rezzor, since Halo is so freaked out by the zombies. (Smiles)

I just wanted to avoid us clashing, since Halo, Ariel, and I planed to live there and share in the tier expense of living on a Sim together. Being civil with Ariel is going to be a challenge, since we are not a couple. Why just boot her from the family? Its obvious since she has decorated the place, and risk of losing what we hoped to have together on the Sim. Well, only time will tell...if Ariel and I come to blows. I hope it does not come to that.

Meanwhile, Halo got herself a nice castle of her portion of the island. And a dock for her small boat, as she loves to sail on the lagoon. I asked her to go ahead, and get a man eating shark to swim in it. Like the ones my brother Otto had during my son's Bronxton and Esme wedding day. She will think about it, as of this post.

Halo, my daughter is doing her best to stay neutral. Since she is my daughter, and Ariel is a good friend to her. It would be a shame, if she choose Ariel over me. But nothing I can do about it. That still applies, since my group is about "free will and consent" as long as I have the final stay in the matter.

Its Hellhole, not the kind of fairy fantasy land in SL. Don't expect any kindness from a demon avatar. Your in my Hell!