Sunday, April 22, 2012

Demoness J

I got an email from a reader, who has been following my blog posts since February of this year. And only recently I have read the content of the email she sent me. I have not been looking at my emails since the majority of it is junk. I really need to set my settings to clear spams, but I'm lazy, and you know how that is sometimes.

Now she has my blog, as a "to go" map to follow what I have done with my time in SL. She was really excited of finding my blog, and reading what I did, or currently do as a demon in SL. She is new to SL herself, and decided to become a demoness. Her problem was looking for a hangout, where other demons congregate, by gathering in horde strength. I can't say my hangout has ever gathered a multitude of demons routinely, except the one time with the coronation of Princess Pain. But it is what is it, a hangout.

Her name is Jenna, a Mistress of her own right. She wanted to know what kind of demon Lord I am, and how I treated my pets. I personally would say, I am iron handed... and rule with absolute power, and the saying goes, "absolute power corrupts absolutely," but then again I am a demon in SL. What else would you except from a demon to do? Wear a halo?

Well...that's what I think I am. But if you ask BJ, she would tell you differently. "Kaboom is a pushover, and all I have to do is shake my ass. Then I have him by the collar." Smiles... Just kidding BJ. I'm messing with you, if your reading this. Your a sweetheart...(kisses).

BJ and Mistress Jenna got to know each other before I even meet Jenna. Well...she knew about me, weeks before I got to open her message. When I finally got to meet her, we chatted like we knew each other before. She mentioned some of my blogs, that influenced her. One of my blog posts, got her to purchase a Seawolf Dragon avatar, and I was with her when she got her own.

But more important, she was able to add comments to each of my posts as she reads them. When I did not allow access to comment before. Jenna is actively following my blog, but she is spending some of her time in SL with me. That is the big difference from others who have read my blog. And I never see them be active with me. But to each their own time in SL, I don't fault anyone from not being in my company when, I could be some one's worst nightmare. (smiles)

This is one of many I think you will be fascinated with the lovely; Demoness Mistress Jenna.

*I will be adding past blogs, but posting them in present tense. Thanks for following mine, and hope you follow others I have added on the side bar.

1 comment:

  1. yay! That's me! *blushes* lol I havent been reading lately since I've been in-world playing with You. *smiles* I am honored to be a part of this blog. Thank you so much!
