21 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof.
22 And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman and brought her unto the man.
23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called woman because she was taken out of Man.
24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh.
25 And they were both naked the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.
This is the first time, I have broken up in a relationship, because of my opinion of gay people, and their national agenda for gay rights. That's right, Shadow and I are history. And its because I have no room for gay people in my life. My life has a right to discriminate the kind of people I want as friends. You pick your friends, you don't allow them to pick you. But there are always exceptions. Smiles.
She has gay friends, and a slip of my tongue "might" ruin it for her, of people she knows for 10 to 15 years. So much for love, if a gay friend is more important to her former SL partner, and ex RL boyfriend. To be frank, I'm glad her and I had the chat. I would have felt uncomfortable being with gay people again, as my past history with them I will explain
It all boils down to my personal experiences with gay men in the work place. I was sexually propositioned when I was in my early twenties. He was a supervisor back then, and I had to go with him to the storage room. I still recall the smirk on his face, and asked me questions pertaining to homosexual lifestyle. I was blunt with my replies, and repulsed by the idea of it.
After that incident, it was the last time I had any respect for him as a person, and for gay people in general. One tried to infect me, in the early years of the pandemic, while working in a hospital. And one in particular I personally hate in RL with whom I fought, while at work. My supervisor was another gay man, and a friend of his...I have no doubt they had an affair, behind closed doors. I hope both are dead for being sodomites.
Don't get me wrong. I have been to gay bars...just to re-enforce my belief to what they are; an abomination as described in the Bible. They are overly flamboyant, (like Liberace ) as heterosexuals used to call them in the 80's. Kissing and grouping each other in public. I'm sure heteros. do it also, but I don't have the stomach when They do it. Do you?
In SL, I don't have a problem interacting with a gay person behind the screen. Because what they do and say is in Character of the avatar they represent. I just laugh it off, or kill their avatar when I get bored of them. And as mentioned in previous posts, it maybe a woman, posing as a man, acting gay.
If a person wants to be gay...so be it. Why should I, and others stop them for being what he/she truly is...but don't think I have to support, or one that condones the lifestyle. To me its a sin, (Gay Rights is a another name for Sodomy Rights) not a phobia, as some people like to mock those opposed to it.
As for me, my avatar as a demon...I only represent the "face of evil." The only evil that's real is the Mens Rea of the subconscious of each person, and between you and your God.
As for me, my avatar as a demon...I only represent the "face of evil." The only evil that's real is the Mens Rea of the subconscious of each person, and between you and your God.
Freddy Mercury, Queen
(I know he is gay, but his music is awesome:)
I should really stop saying yes, to women in SL who thinks she is a prefect match for me. So, to help those that would like a demon avatar as a SL partner...you must adhere to my wishes as a pet.
Then accept my idea that homosexuality is a sin, and hope you don't have gay friends...that I have to know later down the road. If you do, your wasting your time, and mine for nothing.
I don't believe in abortions, a sin from fornicating. I consider myself moderate, not a religious zealot, nor progressive for gay rights. I don't smoke, but will have a social drink with a cold bottle of beer, just no hard liquor for me. And my pet peeve, I have zero tolerance for street drugs, or drug abuse in general.
Now you know.
I don't believe in abortions, a sin from fornicating. I consider myself moderate, not a religious zealot, nor progressive for gay rights. I don't smoke, but will have a social drink with a cold bottle of beer, just no hard liquor for me. And my pet peeve, I have zero tolerance for street drugs, or drug abuse in general.
Now you know.