Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Kitten's Son

Today, I saw Kitten after two weeks of training she had done in RL. She plans to be a future member of UK's K-9 Unit as a dog handler. I wish her the best on her endeavors. But today was a little special, I meet her son Angleus / Damien. I wrote about him a few days after he was born in SL. Now, Kitten got a twenty-one year old friend of hers to play the Avi as her son. He is new and two days old in SL, having logged in world yesterday. Kitten showed him around Hell Hole, and he got to meet Dream and Roast.

When I met his Avi, it was in child form, and at age six. Well... he did not stay as a child Avi for long, since we are in a mature rated Sim. And I do not encourage child play or child Avis on my Sim. I quickly told him I can't have his presence around while sex role play is occurring on the Sim. Or, that he quickly mature to an adult, with skin and shape of a mature male. Our conversation took place when Kitten logged off early for work. He understood my position, and shopped for a proper skin and shape on Market Street. I'm glad he is compliant, and I adopted him as my own SL son. He calls me "Dad" and I of him "Son."

I look forward having Damien as my SL son, with Kitten by my side to nurture him in SL. And I plan to preggo my Dominas to start a little internal family between my special girls. As Memory seems to be interested of becoming an SL Mom. (Smiles)

Also, I know Kitten is looking for her SL sister Azula. She has had too many bad romances from guys she trusted with her heart in-world. All it did was get the best of her, and all of the men she partnered with often dropped her heart. The exception was me, when I did my best for her when she was a concubine. It just never worked out between her a I.

*Azula is still involved in SL.She apparently reads my blog entries, and has since contacted me and we are friends again.

Chey and I, feasting on a dolcet table.

And to add, I made Chey a council member this past weekend as Secretary. She will be helping me keep minutes of our meetings. Also, a way to spend a day together. I want our friendship to remain solid. My way of getting her cute ass next to me, without molesting her in SL. (Laughs) She will always be my "Teasetress."

*Update 9/1/11

Saturday, August 27, 2011

"Flush shit when it happens!"

The other day, I ended my relationship with Gaia. One of my first friends in SL. I have known her since the first week in SL. But for the past few months, I hardly see her. When I send her an IM, its ignored or not seen for a long time. She was also my daughter in SL, besides being a close friend. I gave her the chance to be-friend me again, after I left her a message. But she never did.

And like anything else, time changes people in Second Life as it does in Real Life. We simply drafted apart from each other, and not care. I can't blame her too, as I paid a lot of attention of building my family up and my focus on the build of Hell Hole. Besides, I'm no stranger to that. If its time to move on without others, its time.

Today, it was Jessica's turn. One girl I helped since her days as a newbie. She stopped being my pet a week ago, since she said, "I got no time for a pet and Master relationship." Ok, I was fine with that, and asked her to make time to visit the new home for the family. And she could not even teleport her ass over, but had time to be shopping for "hair." That did it for me! I told her to stay out for good, and she left the family. And I removed her from my friends list. I simply said, "It's time to move on. Good bye."

They were not the only ones this week. But I personally believe it was the right thing to do. To remove people on your list that no longer matter. And those that removed me from their list this week, I said, "What took you so long to do it?" (Laughs) Shit happens, and you flush it down the toilet. Wipe your ass, and move on with your Second and Real Life.

New friends is simply an IM away!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hell Hole Toys

I got some basic BDSM toys for the family to use today.

But a few of us with an extreme taste, in dolcet for feasting on humans now and then. I may still need a few more items when dolcet is being role played.

The following toys are:

Sex Bench, Tie Down Table, Bondage Wall, Suspension Bar,
Spanking Horse, Two kinds of Crosses for multi use, and a Pet Bed.

I placed most of them in first level hell, under the dungeon, and near the party room. While the Pet Bed is by the branding pit.

I notice a few beds placed by BJ around the public area. I don't have a problem with that, as I prefer them to be used, instead of others going into the rooms that are occupied by family members for their own private space.

Hell Hole is slowly shaping up to the vision I see to make it real in SL.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

A Dream, A Jool, And Full Moon

Dream...what can I say to start. I meet her during the build of Hell Hole. She is a close friend of Lillith, which she introduced me to her. Next thing I know, Dream is calling me "grand-pa." Well, that was her intent of having me as her "grand-pa" and her as my grand-daughter.

To make an obvious long story, into a short one. It concerns a role play that involved her demon grand-father, which she saw in me. I forgot the details, but it involves me. Trust me on this one. And dreams can contain nightmares, as she introduced me to her evil twin sister "Nightmare" a few days later. People think she is one and the same as "Nightmare," but I for one know its her cousin in real life that plays Nightmare. Not much of a short story, and more about the avis in this case. I have to ask her again, Way am I involved in her role play?

They are heavy into role plays, and I go along when it occurs with them around me. And Hell Hole is becoming a role play playground for the demonesses that lurk and dwell there. I enjoy playing with Dream, as I flirt with her, and at times roughly grabbing and groping her ass. (Laughs) She would say, "Grand-pa, NO...NO...NO...!!!" Can''t help it...I'm a horny lust demon that chase after females. Not restricted within my family, as you know by now. She has a room at Hell Hole, that makes it possible for us to see each other on most days.

My play with Moon.

One day, she brought home pets, she calls "dollies." One is a male named Jool, and the other is a female named Moon. Both are humans...which she has informed them to listen to my orders and wishes when she is not around. Well...I never refuse the opportunity to have fun with new pets.

Kitten waits her turn to abuse Moon.

Jool, he just loves to be humiliated daily and with no complaints from him. Its his "kink" that turns him on when the demonesses play with him. He is nude most of the time, as good behavior will earn him the right to wear clothes.

Moon, is my pet to play with, as I leave Jool for the ladies to abuse and humiliate. Moon is my puppy that loves to sit by my feet. Loves to kiss and play with my clawed demon toes. She is an odd female human. I can say she loves to hump my leg too! That has made Kitten jealous, from the abuse she gave her, when I allowed Kitten to play with her. Poor Moon, I did not bother to protect her from Kitten's physical play.

Her body was red, blue, and black marks all over the poor girl's body. Lucky thing, Kitten healed the girl before Dream could find out. But can't help of thinking of allowing Kitten to have her way with Moon, the way she wants to abuse her. Can't wait to see it again.

After Midnight

No sooner when Midnight is able to chat and walk with me. Her mother Kali left SL and never to return. But her sister Talil, stepped forward to look after my daughter. And she arranged for my daughter to live with her instead of me. She must have known my inclination to eat my own kind or blood kin. If not that, my not so very nurturing responsibility as a demon dad.

I had planed a corner in ninth level Hell Hole for her to have been a nursery room. But not to Talil's satisfaction, and she did not approve. And since I was busy on corrupting the human females, it might as well she took Midnight under her care.

The communication broke down between her and I, soon after the announcement of my choice for Domina, as she was vying for that role in the family. She left the group, and took Midnight with her, as previously mentioned. It does not matter to me, as families in SL can form over time, or quickly end when certain decisions are made for one's self. And if certain proposals are enacted when approved by the group. Not that I often propose items for the group to vote on.

I do plan to have another child or children. But this time with Kitten and Memory to whom I have known a long time, and trust the family in their care. I turn another page in my adventures, but with familiar faces in the family.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Demoness Feast

The grand opening of Hell Hole was given a lot of attention. We held two events that day, starting with my brother Otto, who DJ the first event at twelve noon. Started with the tune of "Tears from Heaven." Boy can he joke around. No matter, it did not bother me at all. He quickly got back on track by playing "Highway to Hell" and "Sympathy for the Devil." He played his tunes for only an hour, due to thunder storms in his region. He did not want to take a chance of his equipment getting fried by a lighting strike from heaven, of course. (Smiles)

During that time, we had a roast rotating on a spit. A human sacrifice, a soul willing to give up his flesh for the demonesses that will eventually feast on him. We took a group picture to commemorate the event. Those in the picture from the left is BJ, her pet Cors, I, Kitten, Talil, Amelia, Nat, and our meat Roastme.

After the noon dance, we placed Roast on a silverplatter. Kitten and Memory set the table and servedthe meat on the middle of the table. The demonesses where called down to 9th level hell, and quicklyfeasted on his meat. After the meal, they smoked a hellish cigarette, filled with carcinogen agents. They chatted and fought for the remaining scraps. The cock and balls were divided between my Dominas.

The meal ended, with the second dance event starting with Drago as our DJ. He played his heavy mental tunes. We danced and frolicked as demons do. Then BJ, Jool, and reanimated Roast started a three some on a bed. They entertained us with the impromptu orgy, that I did not expect. A well worth surprised! The only thing I forgot to do, is brand Moon on her thigh with a mark. With all this activities, it was easy to forget what I had to do.

To top it off, I returned the base floor to Lillith by accident, and I fell from Hell Hole. Sad to say, I was not the only one that I caused to fall from the sky box home. I was bad, but they accepted my apologies. Other than that, the party turnout was a great success and Hell Hole made a name for itself. I hope to see the family grow bigger from this point on.

Two Rule with Me


Yesterday, I selected my new Domina(s). This time I have selected two; Memory and Kitten. You know them from my past posts, and now Kitten is back with me again. I review what I said about her, but I believe she needs to redeem herself from her three month absence. And Memory was one of my very first concubines, and now a Domina to rule with me, along with Kitten.


The girls have known each other before, and expect them to work together to make it better for me and the best interests for the family. I asked each, "What would you do as Domina for the family?" I am satisfied with the answers I got. And I can only expect their best to do it. But they were not the only girls I asked. I asked two more girls, but I had to pass over them.

And for one of denying her of becoming Domina, I got a poor attitude from her. She left the family, and convinced my SL daughter Kia to join her, as well as my SL brother Blade to defect to her side. (Laughs) I'm good with that. It took care of those that were rebellious. And if I owe them an explanation. Which I don't!

My rule is absolute, and completely absolute in Hell Hole. I made it a reality in SL, and now share with those that have no issues with me as their Lord and Master. And now I bestow my co-rule and authority with Memory and Kitten. I expect the rest to fall in line, or leave now. I will only expel or banish those who undermine my decisions.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Down and Out

My Domina Utopia, stepped down as my main girl. All good between us, but her health and that of her daughter is not so well in real life. And can't be in world as much as she would love too. So after some discussion, she felt it was time to step down and be in world now and then, if her health allows time to be on for a few hours. As it was painful for her yesterday, as she wanted to help me with tier payments.

Also yesterday, Utopia transferred the title of the land to me. Now I am responsible for a quarter size Sim. It's a first for me to own land with this size, and close to four thousand prims. Now I really have to be aware of people using prims on my land, and also to watch out for griefers.

Today, I am going to ask potential Dominas what they would do, if they become my Domina. What support and nurturing would they do for family members? How to handle dramas, if they occur? How often will they be in world, and if real life would interfere with in world play?

I will make my decision on Saturday at 12pm SLT, the grand opening of our demon lair, we proudly call "Hell Hole."