Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Meet YinMei

This is a new member, “YinMei” who has decided to join our family of demons. I meet her at my vampire clan’s dance club “Evolution Blood Horde.”. I went there the other night about the same day I got my new dragon skin from Seawolf. I have not been there for months, and my friend Eva wanted to see my clan’s club, so I took her there.

Shortly after seeing the place, she left. I was about to leave also when I saw a demon among my fellow clan members. She was not a fellow clan member, but later I found out she was there supporting her DJ friend for the event, who is a clan member.

We had a conversation about demon kind in SL, and agree to the same conclusions that most demons in SL go solo, without a clan tag. And that’s how I got her to join my family, by simply asking, “Are you interested in joining my family of demons?”

The only problem I have with her, is she is maxed-out at 25 groups in her profile. And can’t add my “Hell’s Angels of Kaboom Coba.” So, if any family member is reading this, do greet YinMei when she poofs over to visit the family lair.

She would like Linden Labs to change the maximum in group to unlimited, and reduce friends list to 25. It has merit, which I agree in away, but not if you’re a manager and have to work with staff at a club with lots of employees, as I’m a manager now. I would cap it to 50 in my friends list to include: friends, family/clan, and staff members.


A little info about YinMei, that she is half Chinese, and lives in Florida. And is a Mistress with 3 submissives or slaves (not clear what she has). She likes to participate in contests to win Lindens, and enjoys being a demoness.

Welcome to the family!

I, Seawolf Dragon

I finally got my Seawolf Dragon Skin the other day. The special thing about this dragon, is that you can customize it to your heart is content to what your color pattern will be, or omit using horns or wings altogether. Your dragon, your choice.

Like I mentioned before, the skins come in three sizes; juvenile, adult, and ancient. I choose adult, because my darling Kitten has an adult one also. And the ancient dragon would be too large inside the Sky Mansion of our family demon lair.

Also, when you unpack the box. Its in the shape of an egg, and which you can use as a décor to your own dragon lair that “you” laid an egg (lol), or place as a décor in your home. Which adds to a nice conversation piece, should your friends in SL poof over to visit. Going back to unpacking your egg contents, be sure to select “Everything.” So you get the quad, bipedal, and accessories to customize your dragon.

My favorite look is the red, which looks fierce and evil looking. But as you can see, it does not offer the details as I would like it to look on me. I got to have my “shock and awe” when I am with mere humans. As they will be gazing at me in my red dragon persona.

The teal-blue dragon is more detailed from the close up pictures I took. And is not so fearsome, and more approachable. Like that movie "Dragon Heart" which is a nice fantasy about a Knight and a Dragon becoming friends to take down an tyrant king. Anyway, rent the dvd, it’s worth watching, if your into dragons and medieval fantasies.

Devil in the details.

I selected the same color schemes for my bipedal dragon also. I will change colors, maybe my accessory attachments later when I feel the need for it. Another good thing about this dragon, is that I can allow two friends to ride with me on the saddle that is provided. I had problems with my Drake Riding Dragon from Grendel‘s, or maybe I read the instructions wrong, which I will try again, now that I know how to allow rides for this Seawolf Dragon. I thank Shadow, my pet dragon for helping me figure how the riding saddle works.

Just to add, Azula (ex-concubine) also got a Seawolf Dragon, without me knowing it, until I read her blog just the other day. She purchased it, because of two things: she likes dragons, and she is involved with someone who is into dragons as well.

A note to my readers, because of RL work, and some problems with the noise of my lap-top fan. I am not able to blog once a day as I hoped.

Thank you for reading my blogs and for following my journey into SL.

Bipedal Seawolf Dragon

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Mooncrook's Help With OpenSim

Just wanted to share information about Open Sim, if you plan on being a serious builder in SL. Mooncrook is a partner of Stephie, and between the two of them, I am learning to build in Open Sim. Saves me time from not having to log in SL, and not to deal with lag issues or being booted out from SL for what ever reasons, which there is a glitch of some kind.

The drawback in Open Sim, is that you are there by yourself, all alone. And looking like Ruth also, with hardly anything in your inventory. But you are rich with imagination for creativity, right? So, that does not bother you the least bit of being alone on a small island, that you can expand to your heart’s content. No stores or any other form of activity, just you in that big world of your own private Open Sim.

Sound interested in heading to your own Sim? Well then, follow the directions below as I have, when Mooncrook helped me set-up my own Open Sim.

Go to this link to download OpenSim Binaries.

Go to this link to download Hippo Opensim Viewer:

Ok now you start Hippo Viewer, and enter the name and password you entered. Then go to grid selection and you select Local which is offline or Second Life. You need to keep that Opensim Binaries open, just minimize it.

And you have to make a shortcut to it on your desktop and load that first before you log in, so in the bin folder right click on opensim32bitlauncher.exe and make shortcut to your desktop.

Open with Winrar or Winzip, extract to folder.
Open folder, open Bin Folder and search for opensim32bitlaunch.exe for 64bit windows.Opensim .exe is for 32bit windows. Run the one for your operating system, program will run, which will take a couple of minutes.

Will ask for Sim Name, just type any name for your sim for example…MyLand, press enter key
Now will ask for other info. Just click enter for the next 7, until it asks for first name.
Enter your first name and enter, then your second name and enter, then your password and enter.

Thats it. Make sure you run opensim before you load hippo viewer and just minimize opensim.
Now in Hippo log-in with the details you created, and go to quick grid selection and select Local, then login. You will have your own sim with no lagg. but hardly any inventory, or things but you can build.

Monday, June 21, 2010

My Twin Friends

Just wanted to talk about my friends Nicola, from the UK, and Billijo, from the US. Nicola and BJ both of whom I meet on the dance floor at Indecent Exposure. BJ I meet after my wedding ceremony, and Nicola during her first day in SL a few days later. BJ was initially a friend of Shadow, my pet dragon. But ever since Shadow teleported me to a residential place, where BJ was keeping Shadow company. BJ and I have been friends since then, and welcomed her into my household as a non-demon persona.

Nicola, is a newbie which I am always glad to help new players in SL. I meet her on a slow day at our dance floor. Blade, Nicola, and I were the last ones there, and Blade usually flirts with women. And I was surprised when I asked Nicola if Blade was hitting on her, and she said, “No, he did not.” I quickly wanted to rescue Nicola from any unpleasant relationships with Blade, and offered my friendship to her, which she accepted. I informed her of my wife Kitten, that she is from London also, and might get along just fine. I teleported her to my family lair, and where she eventually meet BJ, later on. And from there their friendship has blossomed. They liked each other so much, that they mirror each other in a way. No. You are not seeing double vision on your screen. They are completely different women in different skins, and are not running a “split.”

A split is a term used to indicate that a person is running two avatars at the same time, while engaging in conversations with both. They can be in front of you, and you may or may not know the difference. Or, they can have one avatar at a different location, and the other in front of you, engaged in conversations with you at the same time. I have been fooled myself, with one of the owners of the now defunct Coral Bay Nightclub.

Well, if you see my non-demon twin friends around me, its best to just say “Hi” and move on. They prefer the company of each other or with other girls. And they love to drive guys nuts with their playful tease. You have been warned.

Bikers Rally this past weekend at Cobra's.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ruth v. Cloud

Recurrently I have been struck with a glitch in SL, that is namely a “cloud.” I log in-world, and your avatar should appear in a few seconds. But now and then you get stuck as a cloud, or you see your avatar on screen, but your friends don’t see you.

It is a simple remedy for both. As a cloud, you log out and re-log in world. If you see yourself in world, and your friends can’t. You click on yourself, select appearance and count 10 seconds, and click to cancel. You should appear by then, if not repeat the process.

The cloud glitch was developed by one of Linden Labs pioneers, to replace “Ruth.” An ugly looking avatar with would appear instead of the avatar you created. I sometimes, after appearing from a state of being a cloud, my avatar would revert to Ruth. With female breasts, short in stature, and added features from my demon persona. Only temporarily, as SL system catches up with your avatar correcting the glitch. The picture provided is what Ruth looks like from earlier accounts, by residents who have been in SL longer than I have.

And then there is this rarity, of being totally deformed when you log in world. I took a picture of myself, when I was at a snuff event some time ago. I just happened to recall that day, and posting it now. I looked totally distorted and stretched to someone’s weird nightmare. Fortunately, it is very rare to occur to you. And if it does, remember to take a picture of yourself. For future laughs or to inform of Linden Labs of this weird rare occurrence.

I deformed.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

An Old Friend And A New One

Got to see an old friend of mine, since I first meet her at Sinners and Saints. And it turns out to be the sister of Xenia (laughing). It’s a small world after all in SL, when Maha poofed in. I was not sure at first, because like first names in RL, there are duplicate names in SL. So I asked her a question, only she can remember. “Did you give me a bubble item at a Sinners and Saints event at one time?” “Yes I did.” she said. And from that day, which I failed earlier, I added Maha into my friends list. We now periodically speak to each other from time to time.

Likka, which I meet also at the new Indecent Exposure Dance Club, when I got reacquainted with Maha, is also a demon. Likka designs skins also, like Xenia, but on a personal use only. She does not intend to sell skins as of this posting, but may change her mind when she gets better at it. The skin you see she has on is of her own design. It seems everyone I know seems to have a creative juice flowing in there SL veins. I guess that is the normal transition from having explored SL, and being content with family and friends, to start being creative in SL. Unless you want to remain a gigolo or slut for the rest of your SL time on this game.

It may be a game, but there are a lot of opportunities to be creative, and develop new and exciting products in this virtual world, that we ourselves help create with our own concept and virtual development, and put into use by in-world residents. I have started making demon tails also. But they are awkward, and I’m not ready to give them out as free items. So I will try to improve on them, and learn as I go.

That day happened to be full of demons, which is something new to me, considering Indecent Exposure is not a Gothic Vampire or Demon Club at all. I am just glad to get reacquainted with Maha, and made a new friend with Likka. If you find good friends in SL, be sure to keep them close, because their friendship is definitely priceless. And you never know if RL will take them away from you.

Certificate Of...

Kitten and I finally got our Marriage Certificate, so its official. With Otto and Chey as our witnesses, and cosignatories on our certificate. I’m very happy with it, and hangs on the first floor of our family home for all family members and friends to see.

Since our marriage in SL, Kitten has been busy in RL, and I understand it. No pressure on her to be in-world, as I will remain faithful to her. Besides, I have my pet baby girl dragon watching over me, so I don’t stray off looking for other women. Its all good, as I don’t care to start any affairs. I had concubines, and know what it’s all about, and I am content with one special woman in my SL life, my demon wife Kitten.

Got Kitten this blue glitter outfit, from Vidal fashion I think. She tired it on for me, and I quickly lend her to the sofa where my friend Pacoima gave it to us, as a wedding present. Finally we made use of it today. And got needed time for each other in a otherwise busy home with family and friends about.

Blue Glitter Mini Dress

Saturday, June 12, 2010

In Memory Of Frosty Gearbox

This is dedicated to my friend and SL Brother In-law, Frosty Gearbox. He passed away today and I was notified by his RL son Fox, who came in-world to inform me. I will miss your friendship Frosty, and those that knew you in Second Life.

May God receive you with open arms, and may Jesus Christ comfort those you left behind. May you have eternal peace in the Kingdom of Heaven. Us we look forward to God’s promise of resurrection, to be joined with those we love in the next life. Amen.

Memorial service will be held at Remembering Our Friends Island, which is to be determined by his son Fox. My condolences goes out to him and his family. May you all find solace and comfort in each other's arms and tears. Knowing that Frosty, is truly in eternal life with God in Heaven.

Frosty Gearbox, Rest In Peace
SL DOB 10/04/2009
SL Heretic Memorial Svc. 06/15/2010


Friday, June 11, 2010

Recruiting Humans

There is a need to expand my family, by way of recruitment and corruption of Humans, both male and female gender accepted. To be accepted, the prospect should want to serve his Master (I am He), and serve Mistress Kitten, my wife. Follows commands and does not question them, and come when summoned. Attend events for two hours, and other necessary duties, which can be castle guard, family explorer, or demon warrior for snuff events. If interested, contact Kaboom Coba in-world and leave me a note-card. The HUD below is what you will be using, once you have proven to be worthy to be turned into a full pledge Immortal Demon. Must read and follow clan rules, and questions about how to level are provided to the link below the HUD display. I hope to welcome you into my demon family.

This is the main control panel for every Angels-Demons Immortal, and it's attached to the screen. It's immediate function is to let other mixed blood recognize you using the special AD radar, and it allows immortals to read runes (obviously unreadable for humans).

It's composed of: the logo: just click it to open the website; the button to "collect vitality" from human beings, the HUD energy bar (refillable with stolen vitality).

Then 7 buttons, with the following actions:
  • hide Angels-Demons attachments, making them invisible (horns, wings, etc.)
  • show Angels-Demons attachments, making them visible
  • teleport to the altar of the Cathedral of Light
  • teleport to the Pantheon of Immortals
  • teleport to the altar of the Cathedral of Darkness
  • radar, with which it's possible to see who is around you
  • receive an info note card with instructions about the HUD
The first bottom sliding panel is for conversions, and has two buttons: one to convert humans into followers (this action consumes 20 vitality cells), the other to convert followers into mixed blood immortals (this action consumes 30 vitality cells).

The second bottom sliding panel is for magic spells (each spell consumes 10 vitality cells): sacred light and demonic light, angelic fog curtain and demonic flames, bumping smoke rings and bumping fire rings, angelic protecting aura and demonic protecting aura.

The right sliding panel is for personal info: Family Name, Familiar Title, Level, HUD Energy, Souls collected (followers converted), Followers (human beings converted), Valor (for mixed blood fighters), Prestige (points gained buying stuff from AD store).

Of Making Babies...

In SL, you can create artificial life too. Not just sexual intercourse, but to propagate and become parents. I passed on it last time, when Kitten asked me. I am now ready to become a Dad to our own child. But I still want to enjoy my time with Kitten, and I will probably hold off on becoming a Dad.

Usually is the norm in RL, when newly weds want to enjoy themselves, and stay in a loving utopian absorbed lives for a whole year, if possible. And financial obligations are not an issue.

The Momma Allpha is the HUD that makes it possible to become a parent. Both couples need to purchase it, and is sold under L$500. You wear it, and find yourself a quiet room, then concentrate of getting her pregnant. And presto, she becomes a Preggo-Woman, as we say in SL. The due date is about 2 months. What? You though it was automatic. No way. Momma has to eat, rest, sleep, and take pre-natal vitamins. She needs to go to the clinic and get a check up. Just like in RL, and all the support she will need from friends and family.

SL can be demanding, because it can mimic RL situations. We even have a hospital that simulates RL disasters, and how the hospital staff can respond and react to it. So being a parent in SL, is certainly a big deal. And once you hear them babies cry, it can get on your nerves. As for me, I have gone through the pregnancy with Kitten before, and I know the whole process. I am ready to be a Dad, but not to soon after the wedding. I just want Kitten for myself for now, before the baby starts demanding our attention. Can you handle being a parent in SL? Its like caring for an egg or baby doll in RL. But in SL, your baby becomes an adult and someone can play its avatar. Surprise!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

My Submissive, My Concubine, My Wife

It seems yesterday when we first met…
By a Red Barn, by a camp fire, my arms around you…
How we started, and when you were new.

Your eager to please, and I wanted you…
You loved me then, I loved you equally…
A pact was made between you and I.

I almost lost you, yes almost...
It might have hurt you, but you endured...
But now were together forever, for we belong to each other.

I didn’t see, can’t believe it…
Now I realize you mean so much to me…
Were together forever, for our hearts belong to each other...
My submissive, my concubine, my wife.

I love you forever, eternally yours…
Your husband Kaboom.

Unchained Melody

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Torches and Coffins

I went to PrimEvil at Sub-Terrain, where they had Skull Torches for sell. They are nice, and the price is not to bad either. Also, I saw cheap coffins that looks good for any vampire or demon. Four styles to choose from at L$80.00 each.

Skull Torches

Vampire Coffins

Front door sentinels with Grim Reapers, but does not greet visitors. Comes in 3 sizes at 2, 5, and 8 meters tall. The cost is L$500.00 with 25 prims for each one. There were other accessories like belts and jewelry, but not worth mentioning.

Grim Reaper Sentinel

2, 5, 8 meter tall Grim Reapers

Monday, June 7, 2010

Made To Order

Skins and Tattoos by Xenia Palen

Skins and Tattoos by my friend Xenia Palen. I have know this wonderful woman since February, while working at Sinners and Saints. At that time, she already knew how to create skins and tattoos. She recently started her own business by placing an ad at Hurricane Choppers. They also sell motorcycles there, and a good combo for skins, tattoos, and motorcycles at that location. Check it out.

Designer Xenia Palen

The red, grey, pale skins, and full body tattoos are displayed on this advertisement are made by her. I have previously placed two custom orders for myself of old Egyptian and Samarian hieroglyphics. The results are wonderful, and you see my upper torso covered by her design on some on my past pictures on this blog. Her prices are reasonable, and based on the complexity and research needed for the design.

Motorbikes and Cars at Hurricane Choppers

If you want a “custom” made to order tattoos or skins, do contact my friend Xenia, and tell her you read my blog. That way she knows where her customers are coming from. Thank you for reading my blogs.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Together Forever...We Two

Kitten, and her Ladies; Chey, Polly, and Azula

(In absence of a Black Arts Priest, Kitten and I exchanged vows.)
We are gathered here today, in front of you as witness to our love between Kitten and I. To exchange vows and be Husband and Wife to each other.

I Kaboom Coba, hold you Kitten close to my heart, to comfort and love you as your Husband. To do my best for you and as Immortal Beings in our family clan. I accept you as my wife whole heartedly. Upon this Dark Temple I commit myself to you.

The Kiss!

I Kitten Dexing, hold you my Love close to my heart, to love and hold you as your wife. And you will always have my love and my heart. I will stay by your side forever as were here together, I will give my self completely to you. I accept you as my husband with all my heart. Upon this Dark Temple I will love you forever.

Satanic Temple of the Morning Star

I Kaboom, place these rings upon the alter. I ask the Dark Forces to bless our infernal wedding and matrimony. (gives Kitten a kiss)

Location: Satanic Temple of the Morning Star
Time: 4:30pm SLT seating, Wedding Ceremony 5:00 SLT

Griever; Kitten’s Liege
Gave the bride away.

Grooms Men:   Otto, Best Man     Peris      Fox
Bride's Maids:  Azula                    Polly      Chey, Maid of Honor

Reception: postponed; cake waiting to be eaten.
Dance: Indecent Exposure Dance Club, DJ Otto
First Dance Song: Together Forever; Rick Astley

Dance @ Indecent Exposure

I was happy with the wedding, with the exception of my guys not showing up. I guess RL knocked them all out, or they didn’t bother to attend, or make advance notice to inform me that they can‘t make it. Lucky for me, I had other male friends present to stand in as Groom's Men. We, Kitten and I got it done. Thanks to all the guests for coming to our wedding.

Special recognition to Cheyenne for helping me organize the wedding event this day. Thank you for getting the Bride's Maids together during the wedding ceremony. My hat’s off to you for keeping my head together as well. Great job!

I with Bride's Maids; Chey, Polly, and Azula.
DJ Otto his date, and Ms Rhi.

Dedicate this song to my SL wife Kitten.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Sky Castle...In My Mind

I went looking into castles built by Qabalah Quintus. Just by looking at the various showcase castles that are on display at the sim location. It seems he’s a premiere castle builder in SL. Owners of castles built by him get free upgrades, when new versions come out or modified. Plus owners can exchange their current castle for a bigger one, subject to price adjustment I think, but I’m not sure.

Some notes I took while I did a quick research of the styles of castles Q makes. But you should go on site, and have a look inside these castles. I find them wonderfully constructed, but not the price attached to them. But if your in need of a good castle home, look into Castle Q’s.

Castle Size                             Land Needed                       Rooms

Q1 Tiny                                        512   sqm                             03
Q2 Small                                    1024                                   3-05
Q3 Medium                               1024                                   3-07
Q4 Large                                   2048                                   4-15
Q7 Grand                                  3072                                   4-17
Q9 Snow White (2 Kinds)         4096                                   6-18
Q12 Royal                                4096                                   7-26
Q22 Huge                                 8192                                   5-42

3 Styles of Castles:

Medieval - is duplicating the actual features of the castles built during that era from 1000’s until 1400’s.

Avalon - are fantasy castles for wizards and magical creatures; middle earth comes to my mind.

Gothic - are the dark sinister castles for vampires and creatures of darkness. Dark eerie look, grey walls, and red top roofs come into my mind.

Two kinds of construction, one with standard and support from staff, and the other which is modifiable to your needs, by removing walls and staircases, but no support. These castles are sold with no furniture or walls included in the package. Must purchase them separately.

A large size Gothic Castle by Q with working drawbridge and portcullis gate plus dungeon with hidden trap door. Castle owners get free upgrades when ever the model is improved or updated. Fits on 3072 sqm and can be traded in for a larger castle at Castle Q at anytime. Can be ordered with modify permissions to experienced SL builders. View Castle demo at Castle Q. Can be ordered in Winter Snow textures. Internal walls can be configured many ways to make from 4 to 10 Rooms

Base 49m x 28m
Height 26m
Prims 300

Following features are for this one castle contain:
  • Working lockable Portcullis Gate with Avatar greeting
  • Working Drawbridge
  • Lockable working internal and balcony doors
  • Large Dungeon with hidden lockable trap door and ramp
  • Ballroom option if lower level has room walls removed
  • 4 Floors
  • Balcony 2nd level
  • Teleport Knights
  • Stain Glass over internal doors
  • Optional Stairs with hidden floor Seal
  • Optional Walls to make 1 to 3 rooms
  • Private one way Windows
  • Real Castle Textures

Plenty of castles still to see in SL. Not fix on one yet. But any castles with 10 to 12 rooms are my first choice, and will be placed high in the sky. Less lag, and hard to find from probing eyes.

Oriental Theme Home

Ever since my family home had to be redone a few days ago, I got a feeling I’m better off with a home that has my name all over it. It still bothers me, having someone return it out of their inventory, even though its a pixel home. It’s the home of my family avatars, a representation of our self-worth. So I went into SL looking for homes yesterday, and came upon this cute little Samurai prefab home.

Yasumidokoro House; It is based on an ancient Japanese principle. "A haven for any type of being, as long as you mean no harm.” To bring your spirits up in a tranquil environment, with a rock and sand garden outside your door.

It is only 2 floors, with the bottom level can be used for storage of supplies, BDSM torture room, or additional sleeping quarters. Good for 3 individuals, or for a small clan when additional homes are purchased together and placed in rows.

The following features of this home is listed below:
  • Original design, detailed texturing and creative prim use.
  • 2 levels with basement and open plan area.
  • Uniquely created Zen Garden.
  • Latest high resolution sculpt prims.
  • Centrally controlled lighting with full glow effects.
  • Full key-server access - full access control. Also good for renting.
  • Fully animated window and doors.
  • All packaged up in a rez box for easy installation on your own land.
  • Approx 25 x 25 footprint
Permissions: Mod, Copy, No Transfer
Costs: L$4950

Nice home, but unfortunately it’s too small for my family. What I want is a castle with lots of rooms. On to castles…

As of this posting, it gets 5 Star Rating with 14 votes casted. The pictures taken are that of noon and sunset environment adjustments made.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Twisted Toys And Furniture

It the spot where my wife Kitten was attacked, and not a day goes day I would like to take my demon revenge on the two that attacked her. I continue to pop in once in awhile, to have someone just maybe stupid enough to attack me there also. Just to expose them, and do serious demon damage to them later. Just names is all I want for now. LOL.

Pretty picture, right?

Your going to get fucked!

Anyway, I might as well talk about the toys and furniture there, because of an incident with the “ring” Jane Doe got from a new friend of mine, Zack. Read the “One Ring.” Never receive gifts from strangers is my only warning to you.

Nice sofa, right?

Fucking and roosting your girl, Dolcett style.

My turn to roost myself, which tickles me.

The store contains lots of traps with RLV (restrained life viewer), so be careful what you touch or click on sims your visiting. Twisted Toys is a safe place to see and touch the toys on display. You might even buy to add one or two in your own home. The series of pictures explains why their interesting to have, and a couple was on hand to pose for me that day. Never did get their names.